10 Minutes
People from across the world have been practising resilience for hundreds of years, long before this concept was officially identified. Thomas Edison, famously known as the father of invention, is a fine example of resilience in history. After struggling with thousands of prototypes of an incandescent light bulb and failing daily, he never gave up. Despite struggling every day with failure, Edison never let them get the best of him. In fact, he utilised them to keep moving in a forward direction with hope and a positive attitude. Thanks to his sheer resilience, Edison was able to get over 1000 patents under his name. He also gave the world some of the most amazing inventions of the 20th century, like the motion picture, the telegraph, and the phonograph.
Have you ever imagined what the world would be like if Edison had given up instead of practising resilience after a few failures? His inspiring story is a source of motivation to look at our own lives and wonder if we have enough resilience to overcome our challenges or if we are letting our failures derail our dreams.
This article will discuss resilience: what it is, what causes it, its different types, and how to build resilience so that we can have the strength to overcome adversity and keep moving forward to achieve our dreams.
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Mental Health Insights
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The theme for World Mental Health Day is “mental health in an unequal world,” which highlights the inequalities among people that come in the way of addressing mental health problems. As highlighted by the World Federation for Mental Health, these inequalities are with respect to gender, race, ethnicity, financial income, and sexual orientation.
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