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Long-term domestic violence or abuse can result in battered woman syndrome (BWS), sometimes termed battered person syndrome. Spousal abuse syndrome and Battered wife syndrome are other names for the same syndrome in which the perpetrator is the spouse, in most reported cases the male. The Battered Woman Syndrome is a form of post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD).
Those with battered woman syndrome can experience feelings of helplessness. This can lead individuals to wrongly assume that they deserve to be abused and cannot escape it. In many instances, this is why abuse is not reported to loved ones or the police.
Abuse can affect all ethnicities, genders, ages, socioeconomic classes, and educational levels. Intimate partner violence (IPV) is the term used by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) to describe abuse that happens inside a romantic relationship. According to the CDC, intimate partner relationships can take many different forms.
It comprises, but is not restricted to, present or previous partners, dating partners, spouses, sexual partners, and those without a sexual relationship. Relationships can be both same-sex and heterosexual.
If you or anyone you know suffers from battered woman syndrome, understand that it is curable and it is possible to live a fulfilling life. Continue reading to discover additional information about the symptoms and signs of battered woman syndrome as well as its treatment and management.
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