9 Minutes
The connection between mind and body has been fascinating for everyone for a long. Tracing back to ancient Greek times, Aristotle observed how emotions affect the body, whereas Hippocrates believed that mental illness was rooted in natural causes instead of supernatural ones, as was widely believed at that time.
In more recent decades, experts have made several correlations between personality traits, psychological conflicts, and somatic illness. Many findings in the scientific literature now confirm the links between emotional suppression and physical health. Even holistic medicine confirms this relationship, placing emotional health on par with physical health. Biochemistry further strengthens this connection by providing explanations of how emotions share biochemical links with the immune, endocrine, digestive, and nervous systems. Because of all these studies and research going on for hundreds of years, experts know the importance of effective emotional regulation and how it helps individuals operate and cope daily in modern life. So why is it that many turn wayward and adopt the destructive habit of emotional suppression, and what happens when you suppress your emotions?
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Mental Health Insights
latest news & research on Mental HealthWorld Mental Health Day
The theme for World Mental Health Day is “mental health in an unequal world,” which highlights the inequalities among people that come in the way of addressing mental health problems. As highlighted by the World Federation for Mental Health, these inequalities are with respect to gender, race, ethnicity, financial income, and sexual orientation.
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London is the world's loneliest city, with 55 percent of its citizens reporting feelings of loneliness. With those figures in perspective, London would remain the loneliest city in the projected loneliness stats.
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Adrenaline junkies are a unique breed of thrill-seekers who crave the rush of adrenaline that comes from high-risk activities such as skydiving, bungee jumping, and extreme sports
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