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Functional neurological disorder puts up with certain neurological symptoms or nervous system symptoms often intricate to explain by certain medical conditions or neurological diseases, carries the name of “Conversion Disorder” in a broader perspective. It is a psychological health condition in which emotional issues such as anxiety, stress, and trauma appear as physical symptoms. Psychical health experts say that more adults are now experiencing these somatic symptoms due to grief, stress, and loneliness.
There is no medical state that describes the symptoms associated with conversion disorder, and that’s something, which makes it an extremely challenging condition, as the exact cause of the disorder is still unknown. For example, imagine a fall off from the bike and then find it difficult to move your arm. But there isn’t any injury in your arm. Your body has converted the psychological and emotional stress of your drop into the physical response of paralysed arm.
It may seem strange, but your symptoms are real, and you can’t repress them. Conversion disorder mainly occurs among people of 10-35 years of age. Among older people, there are greater chances that a medical state commonly causes unexplained symptoms. Usually, conversion disorder lasts only for a few months or weeks. During this time, patients feel difficulty in carrying out different life activities. Many people who suffer from conversion disorder can deal with other medical problems as well.
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Mental Health Insights
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