10 Minutes
Everybody experiences loneliness occasionally. Because feelings of loneliness and isolation are subjective, everyone’s perception of loneliness will vary. Social isolation is the objective situation of having few social interactions or sparse social contact with others, whereas loneliness is the subjective experience of being socially isolated. Loneliness and social isolation statistics are significant, yet underappreciated public health problems that impact a substantial number of the elderly population.
A general characteristic of loneliness is the emotion we experience when our demand for satisfying social contact and interactions is not met. Loneliness is not always synonymous with solitude.
You may choose to remain alone and live joyfully without much interaction with others, whereas others may consider this experience lonely.
Or you might have a significant amount of social contact, be in a marriage, or be a member of a family and yet still experience loneliness, particularly if you do not feel cared for or understood by other people.
Keep reading to know more on loneliness statistics, hard facts about loneliness, and how it affects our health.
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Mental Health Insights
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