12 Minutes
Occasionally, we all eat too much. However, you may be suffering from binge eating disorder if you often gorge while getting out of control and are helpless to prevent it. Binge eating disorder is a prevalent eating disorder in which you eat enormous amounts of food regularly while feeling helpless to stop an excessively upset while doing so. You may overeat to the point of pain and discomfort, then be tormented by guilt, shame, or despair, or you may punish yourself for your loss of self, or you may be concerned about the effects of compulsive eating on your body.

Binge eating disorder usually develops in adolescent years or early childhood, following a substantial diet. During a binge, you might eat even if you’re not hungry and eat until you’re completely satisfied. You could also binge so quickly that you don’t notice what you’re eating or tasting. There are no recurring efforts to “make up” for the binges through fasting, vomiting, or over-exercising, unlike bulimia.
For a brief period, binge eating may provide relief from unpleasant emotions or sensations of tension, despair, or anxiety. But then reality sets in, and you’re overwhelmed with regret and self-loathing. Binge eating frequently results in obesity or excessive weight gain, reinforcing the cycle of compulsive eating. The more you rely on food to cope with your negative feelings about yourself and your looks, the more you will do so. It spirals into a vicious loop of eating to feel good, feeling much worse, and then resorting to food for relief.
It’s crucial to remember that binge eating disorder is treatable, no matter how powerless you feel about it. You may learn to overcome the binge eating cycle, improve your emotional management, build a healthier attitude towards food, and recover command over your eating and health.
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latest news & research on BEDHow To Stop Binge Eating
Binge eating disorder usually develops in adolescent years or early childhood, following a substantial diet. During a binge, you might eat even if you're not hungry and eat until you're completely satisfied. You could also binge so quickly that you don't notice what you're eating or tasting. There are no recurring efforts to "make up" for the binges through fasting, vomiting, or over-exercising, unlike bulimia.
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